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Each of us is exposed to and bombarded by – every day – an evil which is extremely enticing and appealing, so selfishly gratifying (temporarily), so unavoidably addictive, and thus incredibly damaging to thoughts, lives, families, and society. It is a plague and contemporary slavery that is slowly and subtly destructive, but it is justified from the supposed mass-popularity, innate natural passions within people, as well as the wrongly assumed reasoning that participation in this evil is merely an expression of 'freedom' and 'choice.'

Those who had ever viewed pornography scored higher on all three sales than those who hadn't ever viewed it. Those who habitually notice scored higher yet on the NPI and ISN, although their scores for the PNI failed to reach statistical significance (although it almost did). Pornography addicts, who spend 11-12 hours every week watching pornography, may score higher yet as opposed to runners.

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This gives them a chance to control their feelings and disconnect from the pain of lifestyle. That narcissism would be correlated with sex and porn addiction is unsurprising, since, clinically, narcissistic behavior is a defense mechanism or coping mechanism whose purpose would be to take care of overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness and shame. Indeed, contrary to everyday opinion, the narcissist won't love himself, but hates himself and habitually engages in compensatory and numbing behavior in order to distract themselves from other issues.

So we realize that porn could be a danger to the children and families and also ourselves of course. But is Porn really addictive? How much so? Is it more addictive then drugs?? Some of our Congress members have determined that online porn addiction is really as bad as crack or heroin addiction. Pornography addicts have a very harder time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images live in the brain forever. Pornography truly does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct relieve the most perfect addictive substance. The brain does indeed release certain chemicals in sexual arousal. The images can remain in our brain over the substantial stretch of time.
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